


» JANA MARSIK / Biographical Notes

Jana Marsik was born in Kiel. From 1994 to 1995 she took part in seminars on photography in Prague. In 1996, she completed several practical camera courses in various film productions in Boston/USA and realised her own video projects at the Boston Film & Video Foundation. From 1998 to 1999 she worked as a material and camera assistant. Since 2000 she has been working as a camerawoman for short films, documentaries, reports and documentations for various broadcasting stations and production firms, before she took up her studies in the field of film and TV camera work at the HFF Konrad Wolf Potsdam Babelsberg. Since 2002 she has also been working as a director and author. In 2003 she took her diploma.


CAMERA (Selection)
1998»Pan Vesely« Documentary, 16 mm, 12 mins, Czechia, HFF/FAMU, dir.: Marek Sklar
1999»Diagnose« Short feature film, S 16 mm, 25 mins, HFF, dir.: Eduardo Condorcet
»Bella« Short film, 35 mm, 5 mins, HFF, dir.: Jegor Abrossimov
2000»Tuba« Short film, 35 mm, 5 mins, HFF, dir.: Jegor Abrossimov
»Das geliebte Moll« Documentary, DVC-Pro, 60 mins, HFF/L.E. Vision/MDR, dir.: P. Neumann
2001 | »Masken« Dogma, DV-Cam, 45 mins, HFF/ORB, dir: Eduardo Condorcet
»Dann hau ich eben ab« Documentary for chidren, Digi-Beta; 30 mins, KIKA/SWR,
dir.: Manuela Stacke, Nicola Volpert
»Der Boxer« Mini-DV, 10 mins, 99 Euro Productions, dir.: Michael Klier
2002 | »Long Shot« Feature film, 35 mm Cinemascope, 45 mins, HFF, dir.: Klaus Charbonnier
- German Camera Award 2002 (promotion award)
- Special award for photography, 5th International Panorama of Independent Filmmakers 2003, Thessaloniki
»Schlorkbabies an der Raststätte« Short feature film, HD 24p-35 mm, 15 mins, HFF/Koppfilm,
dir.: Petra Volpe
- German Camera Award 2002 (promotion award)
- Award for best Cinematography in an HD Short”,
- International HD-Festival, Los Angeles 2003
2004»Das tägliche Verschwinden« Short feature film, S 16 mm, 20 mins, Kunsthochschule für
Medien Köln, dir.: Vera Bongartz
»La vie en rose« Documentation, Digi-Beta, 60 min, 2004, Arte/ZDF, Schubert Fernsehproduktion, director : Sebastian Schubert
»Mirklis - der Moment« Short feature film, DV-Cam, 35 mins, Latvia, prod.: Fred Kelemen / Laima Freimane, dir.: Maija Romasko

»Rosamond«Short feature film, HD-Cam-35 mm, 22 mins, Blök Film/ Koppfilm/HFF, promoted by Cultural Film Promotion Schleswig-Holstein and MSH
- Emerging European Filmmaker Award“, 70th MIEFD, Milan 2003
- Audiences’ Award, La Meko Film festival Landau, 2004
»Ivan kann fliegen« Cinema trailer for the “East European Film Festival Cottbus”, 35 mm, 45 secs

» German Biography